Monday, August 6, 2012

5 Facts About E-Mail

Email or electronic mail at this time is a very important tool, especially for those who frequently deal with the internet. Instead of using the mail, by sending email messages can be done quickly and practically. In addition, it also makes the process of sending email messages to be cheaper.

However, if you know about the facts of the email? Who are the people who are behind the development of e-mail? Why email should use the @ sign? Why not sign $ or #?

  1. Raymond S. Tomlinson, the man behind the development of e-mail. The man who was born on October 2, 1941 that created the first ARPANET email application at the end of 1971. In early experiments, he tried to send a message of two adjacent computers. So what is the first email message? It was a "QWERTYUIOP".
  2. Selection of the email @ symbol is the idea of ​​Tomlinson. He said the idea was referring to the English language. In English, the symbol @ is used to indicate the unit price. For example, 10 items @ 2 USD, it will mean is 10 items at a price of 2 USD.
  3. Hotmail is not an original creation from Microsoft. Email from Hotmail service was first launched in July 1996 and later purchased by Microsoft in 1997 at a price of 400 million USD. Hotmail inventor himself was of two men named Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith.
  4. Gmail is the world's largest email service is currently launched by Google in 2004. And, also known as Gmail email service with a very large storage capacity.
  5. Spam is email sent most of the world. And, from recent data Asia region is a region that produces most of the spam email. While the state is known as the largest manufacturer of spam email is India.

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